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There's nothing like a good bedtime story to grab hold of a racing mind and calm it down. Enjoy these works of fiction, many of them only available here!
Sept. 5, 2020

#69 - Fairy Gifts

An old French fairy tale about being careful what you wish for...
Aug. 29, 2020

#68 - The Three Dogs

An old fairy tale about three magical dogs in celebration of National Dog Day and dedicated to my very good dog, Bodhi.
Aug. 22, 2020

#67 - Whippety-Stourie

A sleepy Scottish tale about a good widow and a bad fairy.
Aug. 15, 2020

#66 - The Dwarf's Gifts (Part Two)

Part two of the story of Loki and the Dwarfs in this Viking tale from the book In The Days of Giants by Abbie Farwell Brown.
Aug. 11, 2020

#65 - Guest Artist Zoé Brown - Master Cornille's Secret - Bonus Episode

Zoé Brown is the guest artist on this bonus episode, reading a touching French story about a miller and the secret he keeps locked away in his windmill.
Aug. 8, 2020

#64 - The Dwarf's Gifts (Part One)

More trouble with Loki and the Dwarves in this Viking tale from the book In The Days of Giants by Abbie Farwell Brown.
Aug. 1, 2020

#63 - The Farmer And The Badger

This week's story choice was inspired by my ongoing struggles with the gophers and rabbits in my veggie garden.
July 25, 2020

#62 - The Elfin Knight

More elfin mischief this week with another Scottish fairy tale.
July 18, 2020

#61 - The Story of Audunn and the Bear

A sleepy 13th century Icelandic tale about a man, a bear, and two kings.
July 11, 2020

#60 - The Amputated Arms (Full Version)

A classic Danish tale that's a little creepy and a little sleepy.
July 4, 2020

#59 - Skadi's Choice

Skadi, a giantess, hopes to marry the Norse god Balder The Beautiful in this Viking tale.
June 27, 2020

#58 - The Magic Apples (Part 2)

Another Viking myth.
June 24, 2020

#57 - Guest Artist - Squalloscope - The Story Of The Year - Bonus Episode

Anna Kohlweis, an artist who makes music as Squalloscope, gives a beautiful reading of Hans Christian Andersen's The Story Of The Year.
June 20, 2020

#56 - The Magic Apples (Part 1)

Another Viking myth.
June 18, 2020

#55 - Iola Leroy (Chapter 1)

Chapter 1 of Iola Leroy, a novel by Frances Watkins Harper, an abolitionist, suffragist, poet, teacher, public speaker, and writer.