Search or browse free bedtime stories & meditations.

There's nothing like a good bedtime story to grab hold of a racing mind and calm it down. Enjoy these works of fiction, many of them only available here!
March 21, 2021

#102 - Green Gardens

A quiet classic about gentleness and redemption written by Frances Noyes Hart.
March 14, 2021

#101 - The Hundredth Princess

A sleepy fairy tale about a king, an enchantress, and 99 princesses.
March 11, 2021

#100 - Bartleby The Scrivener - Full Story - Bonus Episode

Herman Melville's slow, quiet classic read in full: all 2 hours and 18 sleepy minutes of it.
March 7, 2021

#99 - Bliss

A beautifully descriptive sleepy story by Katherine Mansfield about a young mother and her dinner party.
Feb. 28, 2021

#98 - Eve's Diary

A sleepy musing on Eve's first days in Eden by Mark Twain.
Feb. 21, 2021

#97 - Jackal or Tiger?

A sleepy fairy tale from ancient Hindustan about the consequences of always thinking you're right.
Feb. 14, 2021

#96 - The Strange Adventures of Little Maia

A slow, quiet fairy tale about the adventures of a tiny, magical girl.
Feb. 7, 2021

#95 - The Green Knight

A sleepy Danish fairy tale with a princess, a knight and a wicked step-mother.
Jan. 31, 2021

#94 - The Voyage

Katherine Mansfield's beautiful, sleepy story about an overnight boat trip in 19th century New Zealand.
Jan. 24, 2021

#93 - Zlatovlaska The Golden-Haired

A sleepy Czech fairy tale with talking animals and a princess, of course.
Jan. 17, 2021

#92 - Princess On The Glass Hill

A sweet, sleepy Norse fairy tale with no gods or Vikings.
Jan. 10, 2021

#90 - Little David Copperfield

A bedtime story by Charles Dickens about one of his most famous characters.
Jan. 2, 2021

#89 - The Californian's Tale

A beautiful, sleepy tale about love and loss by Mark Twain. You can read this story (and other public domain classics) for free at .
Dec. 27, 2020

#88 - The Sister Years

A New Year's classic by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Dec. 23, 2020

#87 - Guest Artist Erik Braa - The Gift of the Magi - Bonus Episode

A holiday classic beautifully read by actor Erik Braa.