I am newly addicted to Erik's (my now favourite) podcast, having only discovered "Listen to Sleep" a month or so ago. I was immediately drawn in by his beautifully soothing voice. The calm, smooth pace and timing of his delivery are flawless. He manages to vividly portray the emotions of the characters and tone of the stories without taking away from the relaxing purpose of his tales. I absolutely love his choice of material as well. He doesn't choose only well known, popular tales, but also more obscure ones and ones with a vital message. My personal favourite example of the latter is his rendering of "Bartleby the Scrivener", a profound monologue layered with depth and meaning, inciting deep and honest introspection. I became a Patreon supporter (of "Listen to Sleep") after two nights of listening to Erik's podcast. Though not out of necessity, as would be the case with the majority of podcasts (to be rid of irritating introductions and advertisements - for his introductions are in the same tone as the stories, and he is not overly delayed in getting to the story); but out of desire to support, in my own very small way, someone who has a positive impact on my life. I sincerely hope others choose to become supporters as well, and get him one step closer to his retirement dream. He has, in me, found a lifetime supporter and fan.