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There's nothing like a good bedtime story to grab hold of a racing mind and calm it down. Enjoy these works of fiction, many of them only available here!
Feb. 20, 2022

#158 - Covan the Brown-Haired

A sleepy French fairy tale about the importance of being courageous and helping others.
Feb. 13, 2022

#156 - The Verdict

A sleepy tale by Edith Wharton about an artist who realizes the truth about his work.
Feb. 6, 2022

#154 - The Dragon Of The North

A sleepy German fairy tale with a dragon, a witch maiden, a magician and of course, our hero.
Feb. 2, 2022

Winnie The Pooh - Chapters 1 and 2 (Listen To Sleep Plus)

Enjoy entire classic books read chapter by chapter each week on Listen To Sleep Plus.
Jan. 30, 2022

#152 - A Thing Of Beauty

A sweet, sleepy story about finding the soft heart of beauty in our sometimes hard world.
Jan. 23, 2022

#150 - Momotaro

A Japanese fairy tale about a magical boy who was born from a peach.
Jan. 9, 2022

#146 - The Travelling Doll

A sweet, sleepy tale from the early 1900s about a girl who lives on a fishing boat with her family and her dog.
Jan. 2, 2022

#144 - Prince Ring

A sleepy Icelandic fairy tale about a prince and his magical dog.
Dec. 24, 2021

#143 - A Christmas Carol - Part Five

The sleepy conclusion of the Charles Dickens holiday classic.
Dec. 19, 2021

#142 - A Christmas Carol - Part Four

A sleepy reading of part four of the Charles Dickens holiday classic.
Dec. 12, 2021

#141 - A Christmas Carol - Part Three

A sleepy reading of part three of the Charles Dickens holiday classic.
Dec. 5, 2021

#140 - A Christmas Carol - Part Two

A sleepy reading of part two of the Charles Dickens holiday classic.
Nov. 28, 2021

#139 - A Christmas Carol - Part One

By multiple requests, a sleepy reading of the Charles Dickens holiday classic.
Nov. 21, 2021

#138 - Tom's Thanksgiving

A sweet, sleepy story about a Thanksgiving surprise in early 1900s Boston.
Nov. 7, 2021

#136 - The Schoolmistress

A sleepy classic by Anton Chekov about a morning in the life of a late 19th century schoolmistress in tsarist Russia.