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If you like fairy tales, you're in the right place.
July 18, 2020

#61 - The Story of Audunn and the Bear

A sleepy 13th century Icelandic tale about a man, a bear, and two kings.
June 24, 2020

#57 - Guest Artist - Squalloscope - The Story Of The Year - Bonus Episode

Anna Kohlweis, an artist who makes music as Squalloscope, gives a beautiful reading of Hans Christian Andersen's The Story Of The Year.
May 30, 2020

#53 - The Fairies of Merlin's Crag

A Scottish tale about the consequences of not respecting a fairy's home.
May 26, 2020

#52 - Guest Artist - Andy The Doorbum - Prometheus And Pandora - Bonus Episode

An ancient myth read by Andy Fenstermaker, who makes music and poetry as Andy The Doorbum.
May 9, 2020

#49 - The Worsted Doll

A sleepy story about a magical doll who wants to be a boy, good for adults and kids.
May 2, 2020

#48 - Boots And His Brothers

A sleepy classic about the importance of wonder.
April 4, 2020

#44 - Sleepy Shorts - The Fairies & The Dandelion

This is the first in a new series for Listen To Sleep patrons called Sleepy Shorts. They are short, sleepy stories for kids and adults -- perfect for nap time or break time.
March 14, 2020

#40 - The Jellyfish And The Monkey

A Japanese fairy tale by Yei Theodora Osaki.
Feb. 28, 2020

#38 - The Queen of The Many-Coloured Bedchamber (Part Two)

Here is part two of this great Irish fairy tale.
Feb. 21, 2020

#37 - The Queen of The Many-Coloured Bedchamber (Part One)

An Irish fairy tale in two parts.
Feb. 14, 2020

#36 - The Ghost

Another Polish folk tale for a listener in Poland this week.
Jan. 31, 2020

#34 - The Golden Goose

The Golden Goose is another weird one with a moral about being kind to strangers.
Jan. 10, 2020

#31 - The White Hare and The Crocodiles

A Japanese fairy tale about the deceit and redemption by Yei Theodora Osaki.
Jan. 3, 2020

#30 - The Little Match Girl

A fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen with a poignant story about a little girl on a New Years Eve past.
Dec. 6, 2019

#26 - The Christmas Fairy of Strasburg

A strange and wonderful fairy tale about the origins of the Christmas Tree and the importance of not lashing out at our loved ones in anger.