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If you like fairy tales, you're in the right place.
May 7, 2023

Bandit's Dream - A Heartwarming Tale from the Land Beyond the Rainbow Bridge

Embark on a magical journey with Bandit, the beloved cattle dog, as he crosses the Rainbow Bridge and discovers the enchanting world that lies beyond.
March 5, 2023

#266 - How to Find Out a True Friend

A sleepy Italian fairy tale about how to know a true friend and the magical healing powers of saints.
Feb. 26, 2023

#264 - The Golden Treasure

A sleepy Danish fairy tale about a boy who finds his treasure within.
Jan. 22, 2023

#254 - Thomas The Rhymer

A sleepy Scottish fairy tale from the 1400s with a Scottish laird who is beguiled by a fairy queen.
Jan. 8, 2023

#250 - Geirlaug The King's Daughter

A sleepy German fairy tale about a good princess and an evil queen.
Jan. 1, 2023

#248 - Toinette and the Elves

A sleepy holiday story about a young girl who learns a lesson on kindness from some magical elves.
Dec. 18, 2022

#244 - The Little Elder-Tree Mother

A classic story about how fairy tales grow out of reality, and how reality grows out of fairy tales.
Dec. 11, 2022

#242 - King Thrushbeard

A classic fairy tale about a proud princess who learns the importance of humility.
Nov. 13, 2022

#234 - The Twelve Princesses and the Wizard King

A sleepy African fairy tale where a prince sets out on a hero's journey to rescue his true love.
Oct. 23, 2022

#228 - The Story of the Opal

A sleepy fairy tale about the origin one of October's birthstones.
Oct. 9, 2022

#224 - The Four Gifts

A sleepy fairy tale about being careful what you wish for.
Sept. 25, 2022

#220 - The Moon's Garden Party

A long, sleepy poem from a book of Australian fairy tales.
Sept. 4, 2022

#214 - Poltarnees - Beholder of Ocean

A sleepy tale about three mythical land-locked kingdoms beset by the lure of the the sea.
Aug. 28, 2022

#212 - Farmer Weathersky

A sleepy Norse fairy tale about the hero's journey, where life's trials and tribulations lead to both inner and outer transformation.
Aug. 14, 2022

#208 - The Glass Dog

A sleepy American fairy tale about a wizard, a glass dog, and a glass blower who gets exactly what he asks for but not what he wants.