A meditation to gently guide you through the process of releasing resentment and embracing healing, using the soothing imagery of the ocean's waves to symbolize the ebb and flow of forgiveness.
Life's discomforts can feel like a rushing river, pulling us along as we cling to stability. This guided meditation invites you to let go, to float down that river, and to find peace in acceptance.
Transform your understanding of who you are as you're guided through the stages of transformation on the hero's journey, leading you to a deep sense of wholeness.
Welcome to this video episode of Listen to Sleep. Today, we're trying something new - a unique, calming meditation session recorded live on my back porch in the heart of Northern California. Accompanied by the peaceful ambien...
In this original story for the Listen To Sleep Mountain series, we’ll share the peace and quiet of a typical autumn morning here on the mountain with the sound of the creek in the background.
A beautiful, sleepy tale about love and loss by Mark Twain. You can read this story (and other public domain classics) for free at https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/142 .
This 19th century tale of a household transformed by modern technology is a sweet tale of simpler times and includes the sound of crickets I recorded one evening this past summer up at my cabin.